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We offer customized newspaper archiving solutions to newspaper publishers, universities, state libraries and other renowned world institutions with whom we have a strong partnerships. We also specialize in scanning and digital conversion of newspaper, METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard) and ALTO (Analyzed Layout and Text Object) and deliver superior quality searchable indexed documents.

We microfilm the original newspaper and generate web image files. We crop, de-speckle and de-skew the images and assign metadata for each edition, article or page to optimize it for search engines. Finally, these are run over high-resolution images for full text which is ultimately imported into a digital library in the form of PDF.

Following the process of contemporary newspaper digitization, we deliver high-end online newspapers in digital format accessible to a larger spectrum of audience. We clip, scan, crop, and manually zone newspapers to convert it into searchable PDF and XML files.


Since ages and today also newspaper appeals to a mass audience, but having access to older newspapers may often be inaccessible if not digitized. If you are a newspaper publisher, you’d wonder how a backdated newspaper can be accessed on any handheld device by anyone, anytime and would like to avail of this technique.

We microfilm the original newspaper and generate web image files. We crop, de-speckle and de-skew images and assign metadata for each edition, article or page to optimize it for search engines. Finally, these are run over high-resolution images for full text which is ultimately imported into a digital library in the form of PDF.


METS is all about “Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard” which is performed to maintain the metadata of the digitized material for long. During this phase, the names and location of the metadata files are stored/recorded generating XML documents having hierarchical pedigree.

When it comes to ALTO (Analyzed Layout and Text Object) – it is an XML outline that is known as the extension schema to METS. It contains a style format where different styles are mentioned. It is segmented into multiple regions like right margin, left margin, bottom margin, etc.

Both of it carry a detailed logical and physical architecture of a document and newspaper.


Following a typical process of contemporary newspaper digitization, we deliver high-end online newspapers in digital format accessible to a larger spectrum of audiences. We perform steps like a news clipping, newspaper scanning, cropping, clipping, manual zoning, etc. to convert it into searchable PDF and XML files.

So, it’s time to adopt the revolutionary concept of newspaper archiving and keep your contemporary newspapers intact for life making it accessible on the cloud to a wider audience base.

Let your genealogy records, heritage records, and old manuscripts archive rest in peace forever close to you.